ser-arthurdayne: I don't know why people harp on about Elementary being a huge feminist show. It...
I don't know why people harp on about Elementary being a huge feminist show.
It just a crime drama with a male lead and a female sidekick, no matter what anyone says Watson is not going to be seen as an equal to Holmes. That is the dynamic, John looks up to Sherlock and Sherlock respects John but knows they are not on the same intellectual level. By trying to change that dynamic you are kind of changing the entire premise of Sherlock Holmes. So it stops being an adaptation of Sherlock and turns into an entirely new Crime Drama. Also lets not beat around the bush here, its a crime drama, nothing more, this is the same as
- Ashes to Ashes (though Ashes to Ashes is so much better because it has Gene Hunt and Alex is almost the main character but at the same time Gene out shines her)
- Castle
- Eleventh Hour
- Foyle's War
- Jonathan Creek
- Macgruder and Loud
- Murdoch Mysteries (however this is written by a woman)
- Waking the Dead
- And many others
All of these a dramas that have male leads and female sidekicks. What makes Elementary different….. Not a lot really. Joan is sassy and takes no one of yo sexist shit. So is Mel in Waking the Dead and Alex from Ashes to Ashes. Actually go through a list of these female sidekick, if the first 3 words to describe her aren't ballsy, fiesty or witty then that show is actually quite rare.
What Joan is in Elementary is a crime drama trope. She is a badass female sidekick who is smart and can fight her own battles. She isn't exactly breaking the mould.
Also, making Moriarty a female isn't some huge feminist step either. Though it does put Sherlock on par with a female. However, they completely whiped away any female crediblity by having Irene and Moriarty as the same person. She is like a scorned lover now.
So really people harp on about how amazing and inspiring the show is and how it is the best thing for women since they were given the right to vote. Though it is not a step back for women in the media, it isn't a step forward either. You want to really shake things up, make Sherlock a woman and keep everyone else in there gender roles.
While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, it does seem like you”re lacking a lot of context, especially in regards to intersectional feminism. If you are truly interested in learning why many of us see the show as feminist, I’d encourage you to read some meta (and there’s plenty of quality meta) and then engage in a discussion about feminism. Without doing that, your post come off as both ignorant and quite frankly insulting to those of us who’ve done several feminist analyses of the show.
Ok, stop.
I'm not following any more reblogs or replies.
What's been hurled at me tonight is disgusting. In fact, I'm seriously considering just closing my tumblr account. It is unacceptable and, frankly, disturbing, and I'm not letting it go unanswered overall.
Rewind: My original position was that Elementary doesn't deserve the Feminist cred it's gotten recently. I based that on things I've seen in the show, things planned in the creation of the show (which, yes, I was privy to), character identity, tropes of female and male characters, and specific derivations from canon.
My underlying thesis was that the fact they're able to get Feminist cred even so, just through the volume of their publicity campaign around it, shows how low American standards are for female characters and types. That is something axiomatic to the industry that performers and writers battle against every day.
Of course others have identified the exact same issues I have in this example.
And, to clarify, any show's publicity campaign is, by definition, geared to a specific angle to gain viewership, it's content worth any other ad. I pointed out that obvious fact.I made up NOTHING, and resent that particular accusation. But people harped on those particular details for some reason.
I would have welcomed debate or discussion based on other considered interpretations. Instead I got attacks, insults, swears, threats, names (some confirming a lack of feminism as a cultural concept, wow), and reblogs simply calling me 'idiot'. Not one of those asked what specific knowledge or insight added to my (and again, many others') thoughts, or offered actual contrasting ideas.
But all of that is irrelevant
To disagree with an interpretation with utter vitriol like this is so far from healthy or normal, I'm shocked it's apparently so acceptable here.
Insults, names, etc do not disprove an argument. They are simply inappropriate. To have threats (of however doubtful credibility) and to be accused of terrible things, and told terrible horrific things? That is NOT OK.
So I'm closing this thread and ending like this. If you can offer no response to a position other than "you're an idiot", "you're making things up", or disgusting names or threats I will not repeat, please learn a better way to respond and process opinions. Our society will not last if this level of discourse is acceptable. Anywhere.
You can’t make inflammatory, comments that are dismissive of WOC experience and not expect us to get angry and defensive. I don’t know how you define your feminism, but me personally if a group of people from various marginalized groups are criticizing something I said, I usually pause and reflect for a bit. Feminism is nothing without simple humility, imho.
thepeoplesrecord: Philadelphia adopting 'doomsday'...

Philadelphia adopting 'doomsday' school-slashing plan despite $400 million prison project
June 6, 2013Days after Philadelphia officials pushed the city one step closer to a so-called "doomsday" education plan that would see two dozen schools close, construction began on a $400-million prison said to be the second-most expensive state project ever.
Pennsylvania's School Reform Commission voted on June 1 to approve a $2.4 billion budget, ignoring hours of pleas from students, parents, educators and community members who warned the budget would cripple city schools.
The plan would close 23 public schools, roughly 10 per cent of the city's total. Commissioners rejected a proposal that would have only closed four of the 27 schools that were on the block for closure.
Without the means to cover a $304 million debt, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported, students can expect to go back to school in September without new books, paper, counselors, clubs, librarians, assistant principals or secretaries. All athletics, art and music programs would be eliminated and as many as 3,000 people could lose their jobs.
Only one of five state commissioners voted against the proposal, warning that Republican Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett's administration had not looked hard enough elsewhere for proper funds.
That $304 million windfall is unlikely to be filled because the Republican-controlled Pennsylvania House of Representatives recently passed a tax break for corporations that will cost Pennsylvania residents an estimated $600 million to $800 million annually.
Newly unemployed teachers might consider submitting their resumes to the Department of Corrections, though, with the news that the supposedly cash-strapped government is digging deep to spend $400 million for the construction of State Correctional Institutions Phoenix I and II.
The penitentiary, which is technically two facilities, will supplement at least two existing jails, the Western Penitentiary at Pittsburgh and Fayette County Jail. Pittsburgh's Western Penitentiary was built in 2003 with the original intention of replacing Fayette County Jail, but the prison has struggled with lawsuits claiming widespread physical and sexual abuse of prisoners.
Scheduled to be completed in 2015, the new prison's cell blocks and classroom will be capable of housing almost 5,000 inmates. Officials said there will be buildings for female inmates, the mentally ill and a death row population.
Journalist Rhania Khalek noted that the racial disparities in the education system and prison complex, where 60 per cent of all people are of color, have created a literal "school-to-prison-pipeline."
"In Philadelphia, black students comprise 81 per cent of those who will be impacted by the closings despite accounting for just 58 per cent of the overall student population," she wrote. "In stark contrast, just 4 per cent of those affected are white kids who make up 14 per cent of Philly students. And though they make up 81 per cent of Philadelphia students, 93 per cent of kids affected by the closings are low-income."
Photo: Decarcerate PA marching through Harrisburg on the way to protest school closures at the Capitol.
"There is a character in Merlin who commits the following crimes: manipulates people, constantly lies..."
"There is a character in Merlin who commits the following crimes: manipulates people, constantly lies to their loved ones, uses magic for personal gain, makes crucial decisions on behalf of other people without their knowledge or permission, kills in order to keep their magic a secret, regularly throws fellow magic-users under the proverbial bus, unleashes a powerful magical force that kills dozens of innocent people, uses magic to brainwash people into acting against their will (and derives enjoyment from it), makes pre-emptive strikes against individuals who have yet to threaten them in any way, murders in cold blood, and remains single-mindedly devoted to a dubious cause on the insistence of an equally dubious mentor-figure.
I just described Merlin.
"- ravenya03, A Merlin Retrospective: Part 3 (via blueteapot)
avatarparallels: Fan and Sword!

Fan and Sword!
starting my Taang oneshots series right in the middle of wedding planning is totally a smart idea
starting my Taang oneshots series right in the middle of wedding planning is totally a smart idea
le-kif-kif: dont get me wrong i think its very important to get out into the community and do...
dont get me wrong i think its very important to get out into the community and do something but you dont always have to be part of the movement to make a difference. for most ppl thats just unpractical. the reason i insist on people not reserving their activism to the safety of the internet and at home is because 1 ) social change relies on personal discomfort but 2 ) it is way too easy to be disconnected from how power actually works if you are only looking how it affects you and not how it is negotiated, flowing in real world communities.
there are too many activists who are totally disconnected from reality because all they do is talk. this is common in academia, its common on tumblr. mitigating circumstances aside, i'm not saying ya'll gotta be in the street getting pepper sprayed by the cops and beaten or some shit. but connecting the people that exist right in your own backyard is way harder than finding a community of oppressed ppl to talk to on tumblr, whereas both are important salient social change that directly affects you is more likely to arise from one than the other. just find someone and talk to them. and you know what, there might not be anyone and that's ok too.
i just think too many ppl wash their hands of the actual gritty work of IRL anti-oppression, whether its 'grassroots organizing' or being a fucking neighbor and active in the welfare of your own community.
I love your view point on things dealing with Avatar. I just love you <3
:") thank you omg
The Avatar state WAS part of Aang's training; he had to...

The Avatar state WAS part of Aang's training; he had to open all his chakras and develop his spirituality in order to be able to access the Avatar state. Azula's lightning blocked his 7th chakra, which only opened when he was literally at the door of death.
After he defeats Ozai he's able to go into the Avatar state at will, which is demonstrated when he puts out the fires etc
Hi, this is the angry South Asian (whining) anon from some weeks (?) ago. Your Aang analysis was beautiful, just wanted to say that (: Glad that there are some very level-headed Zutarians out there. I mean I ship Kataang hardcore (but then I ship kinda everything in AtLA, it's only in LoK that my NOTP exists which I cannot co-exist peacefully with) and then you're fangirling about AtLA and I kinda wanted to join you because AANG and WHY DOESN'T EVERYBODY JUST TALK ABOUT AANG (AND LOVE HIM)
AVATAR AANG! *screams softly into a pillow*
I get what you mean, I ship almost everything in AtLA except maybe Tokka and Tophko, but that's mostly cos I don't feel like there's enough material for me to spin ship feels.
I've been rewatching AtLA especially the Aang-centric episodes and just AANG 5EVER OMG

crossedwires: jadedcoconut: biyuti: fancybidet: iridessence: ...

I want to be a lavender cake ball *cry*
if this is made with dye… makes me wonder why a person just wouldn't use ube. ube cake balls would be *awesome*
If ube is used, the color would be better. It'd be richer and just..yummm
I totally thought this was going to be about ube. *disappointed*
suicideblonde: Fan Bing Bing at the Chopard lunch at the Cannes...

Fan Bing Bing at the Chopard lunch at the Cannes Film Festival, May 16th
wolfchildwaterchild: who are you, really? (x)

who are you, really?
dragonspupil: Motivation - Cactus Juice by ~Songue

I just read your post about Aang and Buddhism and think it's great! I really loved it and find it hard to understand why people would have such a problem with him. He's young, he's struggling, and he just wants to do what is best. And I love that about the show. Yes I like Zuko because he's brash and fire is cool...but the show is about showing the strengths of everything brought into balance.
Thank you and yes, you're right about the balance aspect.
trying to read fanfiction when
the avatar looked at the waterbender, and in turn she looked at the fire prince who turned to the young avatar who was trying to tell the water tribe warrior something. at that moment the firebender moved and avatar waterbender the fire prince warrior blind earthbender
just use their names
#and then her blue orbs #fixed on his golden orbs #but suddenly Aang's grey orbs were on them #and Toph's green orbs too#and suddenly all the orbs #and Katara cried and her orbs flooding was the most beautiful thing #zuko's orbs had ever beheld
hahahahahaha oh my god people understand my pain
all my ATLA ships have OTP status
all my ATLA ships have OTP status

khaleesiboadicea: anniethedirewolf replied to your post: ...
anniethedirewolf replied to your post: oblivion-with-bells replied to yo…
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