Officially Abandoning this blog
(( I’m officially abandoning this blog and using my other ones as my main blogs. I will leave it here for your viewing pleasure, but do not try to send me things on this blog as I will not receive them and will in fact not be on here anymore.
I am leaving this fandom and becoming more active in others. Goodbye.))
(( I’m done with this shit fandom. It might as well die off. I really have no reason to listen...
(( I’m done with this shit fandom. It might as well die off.
I really have no reason to listen to you guys since your only argument is that people tried to leave because of ourking but you seem to be forgetting that when I was going to kill myself none of you were there to help me.
So don’t try to use that as an excuse and act like you have the bettering of the fandom in mind because really if you can ignore someone who’s got a noose around their neck you should shut the hell up about your “Fandom Bettering”.))
ifell-through-theice: the-sofa: ifell-through-theice: No matter what we've said to her, nothing...
No matter what we've said to her, nothing works. She keeps denying she sent the hate in the first place, even if we have proof. She was Rping with someone who was Rping with someone who was Rping the same character as her. She got jealous and started claiming that person they were mutually Rping with was hers, claiming to be the only one who could RP with that one person.
And yes I know it is an appropriate alliteration, but she continued doing it to more then one person. Then she started to threaten people and send hate to them. She continuously ignored advice giving to her, and today she's nearly made the two people this whole thing is over delete their accounts because of this.
You and I have been around long enough to see the fandom rise and fall into what little we have now. We don't need someone doing this, making the fandom even smaller. it was jealousy that drove her actions, not the feeling of losing a friend; which she was never losing in the first place.
(( You're saying this like you've never been jealous. I know exactly what's going on and I wouldn't take your advice either because you're being a jerk about it.
New roleplayers always make those kinds of mistakes. You did something similar, too. And second chances are a thing you know! There are worse thing that they could have done and attacking them and sending them hate in return isn't going to help anything.
And another thing. That whole "are you sure you're over 12.9?" thing isn't cool. I know some really fucking mature 12 year olds and I know a lot of fucking idiotic people over that age. Is age supposed to equal maturity and common sense? No. No it isn't. Maturity and common sense come from experiences and how other people act around you.
Plus, remember when your followers started nagging me because you said you missed me? It turned into hate. I got "Why are you ignoring Ifell-Mun you bitch?" and stuff like that. So before you preach about jealousy start teaching your followers not to send hate either.))
I never told my followers to send you hate at all! And if they did, why didn't you tell me? I sent the first message to you asking if you remembered me, but that was it. I don't remember sending people hate, or being jealous of other people rping with others. Maybe a little sad because no one would Rp with me, but that was all. Yes, some of the things I've said are mean, and I retract them, and am sorry for them, but you can't tell my friend to go jump off a bridge for rping with someone else! I am not attacking them, Because all weekend I've had to talk three people of not leaving the fandom because of Ourking.
Yes, I know there are such things as second chances, and I did give Ourking a second chance. Everything was fine until today when Shattered sent me the threat Ourking messaged him. If it were your friend, would you have stood for that? No, so I sent her a message and she told me to fuck off.Ask the people who were Rping with her about the entire thing, becuase Im fuckign tired of dealing with this shit. This is the reason why I want to leave.
(( Because I don’t trust you enough to not freak out about me telling you stuff like that? Because people will do anything to keep their followers even if it means letting stuff like this go? Because I’ve been damned too many times to trust you or anyone else?
And now you’re acting like I didn’t say that I wanted to leave, too. That’s called guilt tripping and ignoring other peoples feelings.
If you wanna leave, go right the fuck ahead because really this fandom is better off gone. All this fandom ever does is make people feel like shit and really I won’t even miss it.))
ifell-through-theice: the-sofa: ifell-through-theice: the-sofa: (( I've been seeing everyone...
(( I've been seeing everyone getting mad at a Pitch roleplayer but really, I sympathize with them. I know how horrible it feels to think that everyone is ignoring you and on my canon character accounts I actually avoid talking as much as possible because I've been in that place before. I've lost so many friends because I didn't realize how I was acting.
I'm not excusing their actions, however. But at least let them learn from their mistakes instead of casting them out and banishing them! This is what I mean by this fandom is falling apart. Either we scare ourselves away or kick people out. Our fandom is getting smaller every day and I'm really thinking of leaving because of how poorly people seem to be acting and everyone refuses to listen to the other side of the story!
How would you feel if you thought that everyone you consider yourselves friends with seemed to be ignoring you? You wouldn't feel great, right? You're lying if you say you would be fine. And do you know what that does? It removes rational thought.
Stop acting like people won't learn from their mistakes! It's exactly why our fandom is in shreds!))
Can I just state that She was Rping with a lot of people, but getting jealous becuase people she was Rping with were also Rping with other people. That's all this steams from.(( And they couldn't have learned not to? They couldn't have learned to act better?
That's like giving away a child because they steal from the cookie jar once. And don't say I'm exaggerating because you know damn well that's the most accurate comparison for this.))
No matter what we've said to her, nothing works. She keeps denying she sent the hate in the first place, even if we have proof. She was Rping with someone who was Rping with someone who was Rping the same character as her. She got jealous and started claiming that person they were mutually Rping with was hers, claiming to be the only one who could RP with that one person.
And yes I know it is an appropriate alliteration, but she continued doing it to more then one person. Then she started to threaten people and send hate to them. She continuously ignored advice giving to her, and today she's nearly made the two people this whole thing is over delete their accounts because of this.
You and I have been around long enough to see the fandom rise and fall into what little we have now. We don't need someone doing this, making the fandom even smaller. it was jealousy that drove her actions, not the feeling of losing a friend; which she was never losing in the first place.
(( You’re saying this like you’ve never been jealous. I know exactly what’s going on and I wouldn’t take your advice either because you’re being a jerk about it.
New roleplayers always make those kinds of mistakes. You did something similar, too. And second chances are a thing you know! There are worse thing that they could have done and attacking them and sending them hate in return isn’t going to help anything.
And another thing. That whole “are you sure you’re over 12.9?” thing isn’t cool. I know some really fucking mature 12 year olds and I know a lot of fucking idiotic people over that age. Is age supposed to equal maturity and common sense? No. No it isn’t. Maturity and common sense come from experiences and how other people act around you.
Plus, remember when your followers started nagging me because you said you missed me? It turned into hate. I got “Why are you ignoring Ifell-Mun you bitch?” and stuff like that. So before you preach about jealousy start teaching your followers not to send hate either.))
reblog if you want me to stay
to everyone i roleplayed with it was nice knowing you guys but unfortunately i'm going to leave tumblr for good..
(( Yeah. Because, unlike everyone else, I give second chances and know that people learn from their mistakes.
Darling, sorry people have been asses. Just try not to send hate anymore, okay? ))
ifell-through-theice: the-sofa: (( I've been seeing everyone getting mad at a Pitch roleplayer but...
(( I've been seeing everyone getting mad at a Pitch roleplayer but really, I sympathize with them. I know how horrible it feels to think that everyone is ignoring you and on my canon character accounts I actually avoid talking as much as possible because I've been in that place before. I've lost so many friends because I didn't realize how I was acting.
I'm not excusing their actions, however. But at least let them learn from their mistakes instead of casting them out and banishing them! This is what I mean by this fandom is falling apart. Either we scare ourselves away or kick people out. Our fandom is getting smaller every day and I'm really thinking of leaving because of how poorly people seem to be acting and everyone refuses to listen to the other side of the story!
How would you feel if you thought that everyone you consider yourselves friends with seemed to be ignoring you? You wouldn't feel great, right? You're lying if you say you would be fine. And do you know what that does? It removes rational thought.
Stop acting like people won't learn from their mistakes! It's exactly why our fandom is in shreds!))
Can I just state that She was Rping with a lot of people, but getting jealous becuase people she was Rping with were also Rping with other people. That's all this steams from.
(( And they couldn’t have learned not to? They couldn’t have learned to act better?
That’s like giving away a child because they steal from the cookie jar once. And don’t say I’m exaggerating because you know damn well that’s the most accurate comparison for this.))
(( I’ve been seeing everyone getting mad at a Pitch roleplayer but really, I sympathize with...
(( I’ve been seeing everyone getting mad at a Pitch roleplayer but really, I sympathize with them. I know how horrible it feels to think that everyone is ignoring you and on my canon character accounts I actually avoid talking as much as possible because I’ve been in that place before. I’ve lost so many friends because I didn’t realize how I was acting.
I’m not excusing their actions, however. But at least let them learn from their mistakes instead of casting them out and banishing them! This is what I mean by this fandom is falling apart. Either we scare ourselves away or kick people out. Our fandom is getting smaller every day and I’m really thinking of leaving because of how poorly people seem to be acting and everyone refuses to listen to the other side of the story!
How would you feel if you thought that everyone you consider yourselves friends with seemed to be ignoring you? You wouldn’t feel great, right? You’re lying if you say you would be fine. And do you know what that does? It removes rational thought.
Stop acting like people won’t learn from their mistakes! It’s exactly why our fandom is in shreds!))
p2iioniichelm2man: solluxbutt: mamakurl0z: Hello Tumblr! This...

Hello Tumblr!
This is my wonderful baby girl, Luna. She is a gorgeous cat and I love her to death.
She was given to me as a gift when she was a kitten, and she acts as a sort of stress ball. She comes and lays on my legs when I feel upset and has been conditioned where she lays in your arms when you pick her up ((and as such is great for holding when you're bawling your eyes out)).
My parents are trying to get rid of her because I have no job and they think our house is getting crowded. We have six cats, and she is the one they are deciding to get rid of.
She has become an important part of my life and I love her so, so much.
My StepDad is planning on taking her out of the house tomorrow, but I convinced them to let me keep her until I get a job if I can get 10,000 notes on this post by tomorrow at 1 P.M. EPT. PLEASE help me! I have seen all these posts floating around about people getting their dream pets if they get x amount of notes, and, well- she is my dream pet.
Please, please, reblog and let me keep my cat.
Bless you.
This is my friend please help her. Please.
[[please help her for me…please]]
(( Broke another pair of headphones why can’t they last a lot fucking longer?))
(( Broke another pair of headphones
why can’t they last a lot fucking longer?))
Soooooooo, how did you get sick?
I'm not *sneeze* sick!
*pouts* Fine. *removes hand*
You don't sound fine. Are you sick? *places back of hand against his forehead*
Hey! Stop that!
lunegrace: the-sofa: lunegrace: the-sofa: lunegrace: the-sofa: I don't wanna go to...
I don't wanna go to bed!
-sighs- i thought i was the whiny one. please sofa?
*sniffles* No!
fine, then take some medication or something.
I don't need it.
-stomps foot- yes you do, you need it before it gets worse.
No I *sneezes* don’t!
How are you?~
Fine. *sniffles*
lunegrace: the-sofa: lunegrace: the-sofa: lunegrace: the-sofa: I am not acting s- *sneezes*...
I am not acting s- *sneezes* -ick!
fine, then let me just help you to bed so you can sleep off whatever you're feeling.
I don't wanna go to bed!
-sighs- i thought i was the whiny one. please sofa?
*sniffles* No!
fine, then take some medication or something.
I don’t need it.
lunegrace: the-sofa: lunegrace: the-sofa: I am not acting s- *sneezes* -ick! fine, then let me...
I am not acting s- *sneezes* -ick!
fine, then let me just help you to bed so you can sleep off whatever you're feeling.
I don't wanna go to bed!
-sighs- i thought i was the whiny one. please sofa?
*sniffles* No!
*Runs over to Sofa* Sofa!!!!
lunegrace: the-sofa: lunegrace: the-sofa: lunegrace: well, there's a first time for everything....
well, there's a first time for everything. wipe your nose, you sound awful.
Not for getting sick! *coughs* I do not get sick.
well there's obviously something wrong with your nose and your mouth or else you wouldn't be acting this sick.
I am not acting s- *sneezes* -ick!
fine, then let me just help you to bed so you can sleep off whatever you're feeling.
I don’t wanna go to bed!
nose-nippin-fun: frostyjackk: oxsugarxcoatedxo: poisonpawz: no but do you want to know what the...
no but do you want to know what the true highlight of AZ was
there was this spiderman and
he had the finest booty
like wow 10/10 would recommend
(I'm starting to get stupid tired imma go to bed g'night)
do he got the booty?
he dooooooooooo
Mother of Manny…
I-I mean, why are you guys objectifying Peter like this?
(( We’re objectifying his booty
not him ))
Sofa don;t you ever get tired of screaming or get A SORE THROAT??
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